Dukan Feast

Couple of weeks back I had a total breakdown when i checked my weight at a friend's place and I can say very much that it was very embarrassing. I brooded over it for a while until my friend introduced me to a protein diet called Dukan diet who had seen a considerable 10- 15 kgs(kilogram)loss in his body weight, best part -- without hitting the gym.

We both got into this diet since Sunday and here we are on our 6th day. I cant say I'm very much enjoying it but I guess my digestive organs have welcomed it warmly. The Dukan diet has 4 phases : Attack,Cruise,Consolidation and Stabilization.Attack phase is generally for 6 days, Cruise for 113 days, Consolidation 161 days and Stabilization for a week. 

I'm right now in the Attack phase and in this phase we have to eat Protein(any lean meat - chicken, turkey, any sea food, egg whites) and Fibers(Oat Bran) with 2 liters of water.The whole idea is to not provide any carbohydrate for the body. For the normal functioning of the body, the excess stored fat will be burnt and used up thereby reducing the weight.

So for those of you who don't like to work out a lot in gyms like me, well here's a good news. Here is an absolute easy(physically not tastefully) method to reduce those extra oodles of flesh. Having said that, exercise cannot be substituted with this diet plan. My friend who saw a drastic change in his weight couldn't prevent his tummy from sticking out.

I'm entering into my Cruise phase tomorrow and I'm so excited to taste the veggies after a week. So guys join with me in this shortcut diet and stay fit.

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