Dukan Feast

Couple of weeks back I had a total breakdown when i checked my weight at a friend's place and I can say very much that it was very embarrassing. I brooded over it for a while until my friend introduced me to a protein diet called Dukan diet who had seen a considerable 10- 15 kgs(kilogram)loss in his body weight, best part -- without hitting the gym.

Dinner Time!!!

Raw Rice and Noodles
I cant believe we are already in the fourth month now.
I am happy to be in my favourite month of the year although I'm bewildered how the 3 months ran in a lightening speed.
Hope you guys feel just the same.
Me and my husband recently dined at Khublai Khan, Glasgow.


Hello Fellow Bloggers,

I havent been posting for a long time,Well I'm very sorry folks.
But now I have decided to keep you guys updated quite often through this blog.

Happy 2013'ing

Hiya all you lovely people there. 
Now with a 1 post experience, here am back in the blogging world.
A very Happy New Year 2013 all you readers.

Keeping in mind the length of my first blog, am paying very serious attention to not pen down yet another long(boring), let go post. Had been in constant thinking if women love eating meat as the men do. Dont know about all you guys out there, but for me the answer is a straight NO. Hence there is the regular struggle of substituting all the meat meals with a veggie meal at my home.